Through this journey I would like to find "How we could make world better".
more about my travel,read news below.
Ever dream about packing up and leaving it all behind? Now what if you only had $2 in your pocket? Ten years ago that’s...
National Geographicさんの投稿 2011年9月13日
SNS Keiichi Iwasaki
Youtube cannel
16th,Dec,2019 I was on Got Talent Espana Final!
12th,Mrach,2017 I wan on iUmor Romania TV.
Se lo stipendio non vi è ancora arrivato, ma avete bisogno di contanti fate come il mago Keiichi! #IGT vi aspetta stasera per un'altra incredibile puntata!
TV8 - Canale 8さんの投稿 2016年4月6日
「0×0×0 To MAX」 On my journey I stayed in Nepal for one year to study mountaineering. I joined an international expedition and climbed the Mount Everest which has the height of 8848 meters. I started from sea level (0 meter) to reach the top by only using oxygen and my own human strength. The first “0” in this title means “sea level 0 meter”, the second “0” stands for “0 fuel” and the third “0” rates my money: I had “0” money when I started. |
「Return to 0」 When I reached the top of the world at 8848 meters, a completely opposite idea came to my head. The story continues, but now going down: from 8848 meters to 0 meter, using only my own powers and the powers of nature. I came down to India, walking and cycling, and I got a hand rowing boat from Varanasi to the sea. |
「Across Caspian Sea」 The Caspian Sea is in fact the biggest lake in the world. When I passed Iran I was wondering: “How big is the Caspian Sea actually?” To find out, I crossed it, using a hand rowing boat again. It took me 25 days. |